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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Last post here...

Im sad to say that it's my last post on this website here guys... I hope you enjoyed my posts but I have a new project going on and it would be too troublesome to do both.
scroll down to view my new project and you will see why...
I GOT YOU GUYS! Although I am stopping my posts here im just putting them on a new website! I decided it would be much better to have a forum instead of a blog because it allows so much more for the actual reader and I can get feedback much easier...
the new site will be just like the old address but will be much more fun. It has a cool look to it and im going to hold a voting for the new theme and logo as soon as we get enough sent to us... please register for you will get some special goodies that no one else does as well as ninja cash which i have yet to decide what it will be good for XD
check out the new site here!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I've fallen way behind in my posting but I promise to catch up soon...
my newest post is about geocaching.
Geocaching is a sport where you are assigned a set of coordinates to look up on a GPS (Global Positioning Device) and try to find a box.
this box can be a small keychain with a compartment to a big tub. When you find the box, inside will be a log book. Everyone who finds this cache writes their name in the log book and the date they found it. Some caches have little items in them. Most items are little trinkets you can find at a dollar store or in your garage lying around. You can just put an item in or you can trade your item for an existing item in the box. Don't just take an item! Its not fun when you find a box that should have items that doesn't...
Go to
if you don't have a GPS you can enter the coordinate into and look at the satellite image of the cache... you wont be able to get a very good view but you'll get an idea of where to look..
have fun and go find some caches
I found 324 caches within 5 miles of my house!!! have fun.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mario Kart clan

I have recently been setting up a Mario kart wii clan and doing other stuff so i wasn't able to post.
please join the clan if you play Mario kart online...
I will resume posting and will be playing in my spare time...

Monday, August 24, 2009

post # 48 50 things everyone should know how to do
getting close to post #50 so here is 50 things you need to know how to do.

post # 47 ouch - only in japan!

no explanation needed

post # 46 first person shooter disorder

post # 45 lost cat

post # 44
check out some random stuff I found while i was going through this...

post # 43 dream machines
Just watch...

post # 42 the power of old people

If you cannot see what happened the old lady hit the drivers car with her bag and made the air bag detonate.

post # 41 the onion news continued... part 2

post #40 the onion continued...

My friend Caleb wanted to mention an awesome news site "The Onion" that makes parody news reports for some laughs. I decided that I would take some of my favorite videos from their site and post them just to get an idea of how funny they are.

To prevent lag and shorten loading time im going to post 10 videos per post...

post # 39 more games >.<

post # 38 games and cheats
how to cheat...
Play ultra. its the fastest way to get points but not only that, if you let it run the amount of blocks that fall in two minutes doesn't reach the top so if you let it sit it will give you fast points...

also you can get iMacros for Mozilla FireFox wich will record your clicks allowing you to loop this method while you are away from the computer...

I will have cheats for other games soon to come but not in this post...

Another good site for games that you don't have to download is
technically you are downloading them but they are played through your browser...

post # 37 how to make a DVR out of an old PC

one of my favorite websites with a post on how to make your own DVR out of an old PC.

post # 36 3rd game post in a row...

post #35 another game post

Thursday, August 20, 2009

awesome prank

this is a cool prank to play on people... dont wory just press escape to close it.
if you have firefox it wont work so use internet explorer whenever trying this...

never too many games...

you can never have too many good games to play when you're bored... try these ones...

double vision (semi-transparent video player)

This is a favorite app of mine. pretty self explanatory.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

quizes and funny things

How to tell if your cat is planning to kill you

Zombie harmony (E-Harmony parody)

How to turn your car into an unstoppable murder machine

How you would taste to a canibal

how long could you survive in a freezer?

How worldly are your foods?

Are you addicted to bacon?

clipboard between computers

ever feel the need to send files to another computer easily without having to email the file to yourself?
try this out. It's an online clipboard for copying files and giving access to other computers so they can copy the files onto their drives.

bypass proxy servers

if you dont know what a proxy server is its really just a filter for websites at work school or public computers preventing you to go on certain websites...

this website will easily allow you to get past those servers by creating a small "portal" to other websites. so it will tell the proxy server that you are going on this one website which is allowed. But what the computer doesn't know is that this website has a "portal" to other websites...

just try it you'll figure it out...

musical suit

while were at it here's another video...

Friday, August 14, 2009


While we're watching videos here's another cool one.


pretty good stick video for ya check it out...

Shock 1&2-(Stick Fight) - The funniest movie is here. Find it

addicting game

just one game for now but i will have a whole section on games... by the way this game is compatible with the Wii internet channel. Alot of fun to play on the Wii if you wanna try it out.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

beginning hacking

sorry guys I've been trying to get the new site so it would be up and running but my computer crashed and I'm going to have to start over because my whole admin account its pretty much i piece of crap now and i cant access any files...
anyway teach yourself to hack with the resources this guy gives you... pretty cool and I'm going to have to use this on my spare time

Find your age on other planets
this is a pretty cool site....just try it out.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Working on new site

Right now I'm going to be working on an actual website with my friend... till that comes I'm going to keep posting some awesome stuff... like this Vietnamese version of

My favorate part is when he says "Your ahhh....." not gonna say I thought he would say T.T

heres a list of other things to keep you busy for now...

*Caution for minors* This video has slightly crude humor>>>
*Caution for minors*This link contains slight language that may not be suitable for kids younger than probably 13-14 or so>>>

Friday, July 10, 2009

Free domains!!!

If you use a free hosting program like you need this... get a free domain at you can also get one at

The awesome onion news

The Onion news, Its a completely hilarious, awesome, incredible, FAKE! news source. they release tons of parody news from

Kim Jong Il Announces Plan To Bring Moon To North Korea


First Female Dictator Hailed As Step Forward For Women


All Online Data Lost After Internet Crash

This new source is CRAZY! if you don't believe me see for your self at either YouTube ( or there website ( ) Careful though some of the stuff is a little less appropriate then others!

Credited to Caleb E...
caleb if you want your full name up here just email me...

How to tick people off

a thing online that I found on how to tick people off.
  1. Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17 inch paper, 99 copies.
  2. Specify that your drive-through order is "TO-GO."
  3. If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to others.
  4. Stomp on little plastic ketchup packets.
  5. Insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all weather conditions "to keep them tuned up."
  6. Reply to everything someone says with "that's what you think."
  7. Practice making fax and modem noises.
  8. Highlight irrelevant information in scientific papers and "cc" them to your boss.
  9. Make beeping noises when a large person backs up.
  10. Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophesy."
  11. Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears and grimacing.
  12. Disassemble your pen and "accidentally" flip the ink cartridge across the room.
  13. Holler random numbers while someone is counting.
  14. Adjust the tint on your TV so that all the people are green, and insist to others that you "like it that way."
  15. Staple pages in the middle of the page.
  16. Publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a croaking noise.
  17. Honk and wave to strangers.
  18. Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complimentary mints at the cash register.
  20. type only in lowercase.
  21. dont use any punctuation either
  22. Buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets.
  23. Repeat the following conversation a dozen times.
    "Never mind, it's gone now."
  24. As much as possible, skip rather than walk.
  25. Try playing the William Tell Overture by tapping on the bottom of your chin. When nearly done, announce "No, wait, I messed it up," and repeat.
  26. Ask people what gender they are.
  27. While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet.
  28. Sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down.
  29. Sing along at the opera.
  30. Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn't rhyme.
  31. Ask your co-workers mysterious questions and then scribble their answers in a notebook. Mutter something about "psychological profiles."

Simulation of a huge asteroid hitting earth.

this is what would happen if an asteroid about 500 km big hit earth.

Great tools for HTML scripting

here is an awesome site that you can search for HTML codes and test them on the site but i don't really see why you cant just make a folder and use notepad to test stuff. of course sometimes you get an ActiveX popup bar and it doesn't work very well.

8 days show

To celebrate our 8th day of posting I decided to post a video that im in called 8 days. Its a 24 inspired series so its like 24 but different and not an hour long each episode.




learn to speed read.

ever want to read super fast? well now you can by using spreeder. Spreeder is a program that helps you speed read by alowing you to make a movie out of text on websites you find. example if you are used to reading at 500 wpm try putting the video at 800 wpm and taking in as much of the words as you can. Its alright if you cant read al of it but you will probably be able to read at 600 or 700 wpm now and 500 wpm might even seem slow!

(wpm means words per minute)

ASCII star wars

Here is a fully ASCII movie of star wars episode 4 a new hope. It can pause fast forward rewind and is very, very cool. I encourage you to at least start it up and watch the first 30 seconds or watch for a little bit.

learn to detect lies

How to Detect Lies

Become a Lie Detector

how to see a fake smile

Introduction to Detecting Lies:

The following techniques to telling if someone is lying are often used by police, and security experts. This knowledge is also useful for managers, employers , and for anyone to use in everyday situations where telling the truth from a lie can help prevent you from being a victim of fraud/scams and other deceptions.

Warning: Sometimes Ignorance is bliss; after gaining this knowledge, you may be hurt when it is obvious that someone is lying to you.

Signs of Deception:

Body Language of Lies:

• Physical expression will be limited and stiff, with few arm and hand movements. Hand, arm and leg movement are toward their own body the liar takes up less space.

• A person who is lying to you will avoid making eye contact.

• Hands touching their face, throat & mouth. Touching or scratching the nose or behind their ear. Not likely to touch his chest/heart with an open hand.

Emotional Gestures & Contradiction

• Timing and duration of emotional gestures and emotions are off a normal pace. The display of emotion is delayed, stays longer it would naturally, then stops suddenly.

• Timing is off between emotions gestures/expressions and words. Example: Someone says "I love it!" when receiving a gift, and then smile after making that statement, rather then at the same time the statement is made.

• Gestures/expressions don’t match the verbal statement, such as frowning when saying “I love you.”

• Expressions are limited to mouth movements when someone is faking emotions (like happy, surprised, sad, awe, )instead of the whole face. For example; when someone smiles naturally their whole face is involved: jaw/cheek movement, eyes and forehead push down, etc.

Interactions and Reactions

• A guilty person gets defensive. An innocent person will often go on the offensive.

• A liar is uncomfortable facing his questioner/accuser and may turn his head or body away.

• A liar might unconsciously place objects (book, coffee cup, etc.) between themselves and you.

Verbal Context and Content

• A liar will use your words to make answer a question. When asked, “Did you eat the last cookie?” The liar answers, “No, I did not eat the last cookie.”

•A statement with a contraction is more likely to be truthful: “ I didn't do it” instead of “I did not do it”

• Liars sometimes avoid "lying" by not making direct statements. They imply answers instead of denying something directly.

• The guilty person may speak more than natural, adding unnecessary details to convince you... they are not comfortable with silence or pauses in the conversation.

• A liar may leave out pronouns and speak in a monotonous tone. When a truthful statement is made the pronoun is emphasized as much or more than the rest of the words in a statement.

• Words may be garbled and spoken softly, and syntax and grammar may be off. In other
words, his sentences will likely be muddled rather than emphasized.

Other signs of a lie:

• If you believe someone is lying, then change subject of a conversation quickly, a liar follows along willingly and becomes more relaxed. The guilty wants the subject changed; an innocent person may be confused by the sudden change in topics and will want to back to the previous subject.

• Using humor or sarcasm to avoid a subject.

Final Notes:

Obviously, just because someone exhibits one or more of these signs does not make them a liar. The above behaviors should be compared to a persons base (normal) behavior whenever possible.

view from satellite

Similar to google earth but not as easy to use and better picture quality. You just click on stuff until you get a picture of something from a satellite...

list of phobias

Achluophobia Fear of darkness.
Acousticophobia Fear of noise.
Acrophobia Fear of heights.
Agoraphobia Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded places.
Ailurophobia Fear of cats.
Alektorophobia Fear of chickens.
Alliumphobia Fear of garlic.
Allodoxaphobia Fear of opinions.
Altophobia Fear of heights.
Amaxophobia Fear of riding in a car.
Ambulophobia Fear of walking.
Ancraophobia or Anemophobia Fear of wind.
Androphobia Fear of men.
Anglophobia Fear of England, English culture, etc.
Anthrophobia Fear of flowers.
Antlophobia Fear of floods.
Anuptaphobia Fear of staying single.
Apeirophobia Fear of infinity.
Aphenphosmphobia Fear of being touched.
Apiphobia Fear of bees.
Apotemnophobia Fear of persons with amputations. Arachnephobia/Arachnophobia Fear of spiders.
Arithmophobia Fear of numbers.
Arrhenphobia Fear of men. Arsonphobia Fear of fire.
Astraphobia/Astrapophobia Fear of thunder and lightning.
Astrophobia Fear of stars/space.
Ataxophobia Fear of disorder or untidiness.
Atelophobia Fear of imperfection.
Athazagoraphobia Fear of being forgotton or ignored or forgetting.
Atychiphobia Fear of failure.
Aurophobia Fear of gold.
Automatonophobia Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues
Automysophobia Fear of being dirty.
Autophobia Fear of being alone or of oneself.
Aviophobia/Aviatophobia Fear of flying.

Bacillophobia Fear of microbes.
Bacteriophobia Fear of bacteria.
Bathmophobia Fear of stairs or steep slopes.
Batophobia Fear of heights.
Batrachophobia Fear of amphibians (like frogs)
Belonephobia Fear of pins and needles.
Bibliophobia Fear of books.
Botanophobia Fear of plants.
Brontophobia Fear of thunder and lightning.

Cacophobia Fear of ugliness.
Cainophobia/Cainotophobia Fear of newness, novelty.
Caligynephobia Fear of beautiful women.
Carnophobia Fear of meat.
Catagelophobia Fear of being ridiculed.
Catoptrophobia Fear of mirrors.
Cenophobia / Centophobia Fear of new things or ideas.
Ceraunophobia Fear of thunder.
Chaetophobia Fear of hair.
Chionophobia Fear of snow.
Chiraptophobia Fear of being touched.
Chirophobia Fear of hands.
Chorophobia Fear of dancing.
Chrometophobia/Chrematophobia Fear of money.
Chromophobia/Chromatophobia Fear of colors.
Chronomentrophobia Fear of clocks.
Cibophobia/Sitophobia/Sitiophobia Fear of food.
Claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces.
Climacophobia Fear of stairs.
Clinophobia Fear of going to bed.
Coimetrophobia Fear of cemeteries.
Coulrophobia Fear of clowns.
Cyberphobia Fear of computers.
Cyclophobia Fear of bicycles.
Cymophobia Fear of waves.
Cynophobia Fear of dogs.

Demophobia Fear of crowds.
Dendrophobia Fear of trees.
Dentophobia Fear of dentists.
Didaskaleinophobia Fear of going to school.
Dipsophobia Fear of drinking.
Dishabiliophobia Fear of undressing in front of someone.
Dromophobia Fear of crossing streets.

Eisoptrophobia Fear of mirrors.
Elurophobia Fear of cats.
Emetophobia Fear of vomiting.
Entomophobia Fear of insects.
Ephebiphobia Fear of teenagers.
Epistaxiophobia Fear of nosebleeds.
Equinophobia Fear of horses.
Ergophobia Fear of work.

Felinophobia Fear of cats.

Gamophobia Fear of marriage.
Geliophobia Fear of laughter.
Gephyrophobia, Gephydrophobia, or Gephysrophobia Fear of crossing bridges.
Gerascophobia Fear of growing old.
Glossophobia Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak. Gynephobia/Gynophobia Fear of women.

Haphephobia/Haptephobia Fear of being touched.
Harpaxophobia Fear of being robbed.
Heliophobia Fear of the sun.
Hemophobia/Hemaphobia/Hematophobia Fear of blood.
Hierophobia Fear of priests or sacred things.
Hominophobia Fear of men.
Hylophobia Fear of forests.

Iatrophobia Fear of doctors.
Ichthyophobia Fear of fish.

Judeophobia Fear of Jews.

Keraunophobia Fear of thunder and lightning.
Kymophobia Fear of waves.

Lachanophobia Fear of vegetables.
Ligyrophobia Fear of loud noises.
Limnophobia Fear of lakes.
Liticaphobia Fear of lawsuits.
Lockiophobia Fear of childbirth.
Logizomechanophobia Fear of computers.
Logophobia Fear of words.
Lygophobia Fear of darkness.

Macrophobia Fear of long waits.
Mageirocophobia Fear of cooking.
Maieusiophobia Fear of childbirth.
Megalophobia Fear of large things.
Melissophobia Fear of bees.
Methyphobia Fear of alcohol.
Microphobia Fear of small things.
Misophobia Fear of being contaminated with dirt/germs.
Monophobia Fear of solitude or being alone.
Motorphobia Fear of automobiles.
Musophobia/Murophobia Fear of mice.

Necrophobia Fear of death / dead things.
Neophobia Fear of anything new.
Nosocomephobia Fear of hospitals.
Numerophobia Fear of numbers.

Ochlophobia Fear of crowds or mobs.
Ophidiophobia Fear of snakes.
Ophthalmophobia Fear of being stared at.
Ornithophobia Fear of birds.

Pedophobia Fear of children.
Peladophobia Fear of bald people.
Phasmophobia Fear of ghosts.
Placophobia Fear of tombstones.
Plutophobia Fear of wealth.
Pogonophobia Fear of beards.
Potamophobia Fear of rivers or running water.
Pteronophobia Fear of being tickled by feathers.
Pupaphobia fear of puppets.
Pyrophobia Fear of fire.

Rhytiphobia Fear of getting wrinkles.
Rupophobia Fear of dirt.

Scolionophobia Fear of school.
Selachophobia Fear of sharks.
Sesquipedalophobia Fear of long words.

Tachophobia Fear of speed.
Technophobia Fear of technology.
Telephonophobia Fear of telephones.
Testophobia Fear of taking tests.
Theophobia Fear of gods or religion.
Trypanophobia Fear of injections.

Venustraphobia Fear of beautiful women.
Verbophobia Fear of words.
Verminophobia Fear of germs.
Vestiphobia Fear of clothing.

Xenoglossophobia Fear of foreign languages.

Zoophobia Fear of animals

find sounds

If you needed punching or gunshot sound effects for a movie or game or even wanted to listen to a certain type of bird call you could search it here and hopefully find a download of it.


sting theory and dimensions...
imagining the tenth dimension...

road sign hacking.

Here are some pictures of people who hacked road signs and how they did it. Its actually really easy but I wouldn't try it on any public road signs unless you have permission first.

How many times have you driven by an electronic road sign like one of these?

This is the ADDCO portable sign. Today, you see what is on the inside, and how they are programmed to display important information.


1. The access panel on the sign is generally protected by a small lock, but often are left unprotected. Upon opening the access panel you can see the display electronics.

2. The black control pad is attached by a curly cord, with a keyboard on the face.

3. Programming is as simple as scrolling down the menu selection to “Instant Text”. Type whatever you want to display, Hit Enter to submit. You can now either throw it up on the sign by selecting “Run w/out save” or you can add more pages to it by selecting “Add page”

** HACKER TIPS ** Should it will ask you for a password. Try “DOTS”, the default password.

In all likelihood, the crew will not have changed it. However if they did, never fear. Hold “Control” and “Shift” and while holding, enter “DIPY”. This will reset the sign and reset the password to “DOTS” in the process. You’re in!

Dont like reading? a better use of books for you...

if you don't like reading but like making arts and crafts that this is a good site for you. you don't have to not like reading to enjoy this site so I encourage everyone to look at these pictures of what people made using books...

ASCII generator.

for those who dont know what ASCII is its a sort of hobby making pictures using only symbols on the computer. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange
I don't really know why ASCII is art from what it stands for but thats what its normally know as. ART
anyway here is a nice easy to use generator where you put in your picture and it comes out as text.

cool tool for programers

this site lets you search coding manuals for codes, tags, pretty much anything that has to do with programing. Its good for when you get stuck and dont feel like going to the library or buying a new book.

parody safety instruction

these came from
If you have set yourself on fire, do not run.
If you spot terrorism, blow your anti-terrorism whistle. If you are Vin Diesel, yell really loud.
If you spot a terrorist arrow, pin it against the wall with your shoulder.
If you are sprayed with an unknown substance, stand and think about it instead of seeing a doctor.
Use your flashlight to lift the walls right off of you!
To eliminate smallpox, wash with soap, water and at least one(1) armless hand under a faucet with no sink.
Michael Jackson is a terrorist. If you spot this smooth criminal with scary eyes, run away now.
People, animal corpses and the biohazard symbol are all at risk of being sucked into the time-tunnel vortex.
Be on the lookout for terrorists with pinkeye and leprosy. Also, they tend to rub their hands together manically.
If a door is closed, karate chop it open.
If your building collapses, climb under your table and practice yoga postures.
Try to absorb as much of the radiation as possible with your groin region. The current world record is 5 minutes, 12 seconds.
After exposure to radiation it is important to consider that you may have mutated to gigantic dimensions: watch your head.
If you've become a radiation mutant with a deformed hand, remember to close the window. No one wants to see that.
If you hear the Backstreet Boys, Michael Bolton or Yanni on the radio, cower in the corner or run like hell.
Your respiratory and digestive systems are optional. Cast them aside if you feel you no longer need them.
If you are trapped under falling debris, conserve oxygen by not farting.
Survive a biohazard attack by first standing, then begging on your knees, then rolling over and playing dead.
Do not drive a station wagon if a utility pole is protruding from the hood.
A one-inch thick piece of plywood should be sufficient protection against radiation.
No pyromaniacs admitted.
A quick family snapshot in front of the latest scene of a terrorist attack may became a treasured family keepsake that will preserve precious memories for years to come.
That closet door in your bedroom leads to the gates of Hell. Don't go there.
The middle of a terrorist attack is not an appropriate time to catch up on your reading or paperwork.
If you see colors in the sky, grasp your throat and pretend to choke yourself. Girls go for that.
If your intended destination is suddenly vaporized, consider pulling over and watching the cool light show.
If the weather is overcast with dark skies, look for worms in the grass.
After all life is gone, modern appliances will continue to run forever. Think about it.
Your telephone may be a practicing physician. Look for a phone with no numbers on it.
"Wash your hands" of traditional long distance telephone providers.
Only the coolest irradiated citizens will be allowed into the 'underground' rave in the shelter.

In time of war, real Americans eat red meat only! No wimpy fish or poultry, please.
There is a reason you failed chemistry.
Watch out for people who come out of white tents and try to steal the shirt off your back.
If you are trapped with no hope of being found, amuse yourself in your final moments with shadow puppets.
Radioactive materials come in 4 convenient sizes:
- individual dose
- family value size
- neighborhood spray pump size
- supersize!
Satellite photos of Texas show the large radioactive crop circle in Southeast Texas.
When the looting begins remember to consider the weight/value ratio. Here we have a few examples of high value, low effort.

The ultimate awesome picture post...

I found a site that had a ton of awesome pictures and i just needed to post all these because they were so funny.
All he ever wanted was to poop outsideineptitude motivational poster
nature motivational poster

you are doing it wrong motivational posterletters  motivational poster

government motivational posterchuck norris motivational poster

simplicity motivational poster

microwaves motivational posterI LOL  motivational poster

a wife motivational posterunique motivational poster